Feel The Void
¡Bienvenidos al podcast Feel The Void! Soy Roberta, Entrepreneur Multidisciplinaria, Coach de Salud Integrativa, y ex atleta profesional. Unite a nosotros mientras exploramos los hábitos de consumo de la sociedad. A través de la parodia, promovemos y potenciamos elecciones saludables, priorizando herramientas para el procesamiento emocional. Confrontamos síntomas incómodos y abogamos por los vulnerables, fomentando la libertad de expresión, aceptación y diversidad. ¿Mi misión? Exponer disfunciones sistémicas, guiar el despertar y fomentar la conexión por sobre el anestesiarnos. Explora tu void con la píldora FTV. Despierta a un mundo diferente. #FeelDon'tFill
Feel The Void
Understanding the Psyche, Society, and the Paths to Personal Growth With Grayson
In this episode of Feel the Void podcast, we welcome Grayson, a psychology creator, to discuss the journey of personal growth, overcoming unhealthy habits, and the societal pressures that drive them. Grayson shares his early interests in analyzing human behavior and how he transitioned from pursuing externally impressive paths to focusing on his natural inclinations. The conversation delves into how mental health challenges can lead to deeper self-understanding, the stigma surrounding mental health issues, and the misconception of mental illnesses as diseases rather than opportunities for growth. They discuss the societal and environmental factors contributing to depression and the misunderstanding of mental health within the medical model. Grayson also shares his personal experiences with mood fluctuations in his twenties and how various strategies, including focusing on physical health, honest relationships, and aligning with one's true self, have contributed to his happiness and fulfillment. The discussion further explores the damaging effects of societal expectations, the value of self-awareness, and the importance of focusing on the present moment and accepting death as part of life. Other topics include coping with anxiety, the necessity for strong communities and connections, the pitfalls of materialism, and the power dynamics that influence societal norms. Grayson emphasizes the significance of self-improvement, serving others over self-absorption, and the transformative power of understanding one's unique gifts.
Connect with Grayson:
Conectá con Roberta:
Consultas: roberta@feelthevoid.club