Feel The Void
¡Bienvenidos al podcast Feel The Void! Soy Roberta, Entrepreneur Multidisciplinaria, Coach de Salud Integrativa, y ex atleta profesional. Unite a nosotros mientras exploramos los hábitos de consumo de la sociedad. A través de la parodia, promovemos y potenciamos elecciones saludables, priorizando herramientas para el procesamiento emocional. Confrontamos síntomas incómodos y abogamos por los vulnerables, fomentando la libertad de expresión, aceptación y diversidad. ¿Mi misión? Exponer disfunciones sistémicas, guiar el despertar y fomentar la conexión por sobre el anestesiarnos. Explora tu void con la píldora FTV. Despierta a un mundo diferente. #FeelDon'tFill
Feel The Void
What is Intentional Dating? Re-imagining and Communication in Relationships
In this episode of 'Feel the Void', we delve into the complex territory of human relationships. Olivia, aka "Pretty Gypsy Dreams", talks about experiences with heartbreaks, the healing process, and the significance of self-awareness in these scenarios. We elaborate on concepts like 'conscious intimacy' and 'intentional dating', suggesting self-expression and communication as key elements to a healthier relationship. We also touch upon infidelity and its repercussions, pointing out how these episodes can be turned into opportunities for growth. The central focus of our discussion remains set on tackling unhealthy society-induced habits and advocating for emotional intelligence and empathy in human interactions.
Connect with Olivia:
Conectá con Roberta:
Consultas: roberta@feelthevoid.club