Feel The Void
¡Bienvenidos al podcast Feel The Void! Soy Roberta, Entrepreneur Multidisciplinaria, Coach de Salud Integrativa, y ex atleta profesional. Unite a nosotros mientras exploramos los hábitos de consumo de la sociedad. A través de la parodia, promovemos y potenciamos elecciones saludables, priorizando herramientas para el procesamiento emocional. Confrontamos síntomas incómodos y abogamos por los vulnerables, fomentando la libertad de expresión, aceptación y diversidad. ¿Mi misión? Exponer disfunciones sistémicas, guiar el despertar y fomentar la conexión por sobre el anestesiarnos. Explora tu void con la píldora FTV. Despierta a un mundo diferente. #FeelDon'tFill
Feel The Void
From Despair to Triumph: Interview with Nick Drivas
In this powerful episode of Feel the Void Podcast, we delve deep into the transformative journey of Nick Drivas, a former porn addict who battled depression, social anxiety and suicidal ideation. Learn how he turned his life around in less than a year by focusing on fitness, mindset, and nutrition, successfully escaping addiction and discovering purpose in his life. Today, as an online personal development coach, Nick shares the strategies and mindsets that saved his life, helping others reach their maximum potential. We also explore Nick's personal and professional future goals, his self-care practices, and his programs that aim to help individuals align with their '10.0 self'.
Connect with Nick:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nickdrivasfitInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/nickdrivasfit/
Conectá con Roberta:
Consultas: roberta@feelthevoid.club