Feel The Void
¡Bienvenidos al podcast Feel The Void! Soy Roberta, Entrepreneur Multidisciplinaria, Coach de Salud Integrativa, y ex atleta profesional. Unite a nosotros mientras exploramos los hábitos de consumo de la sociedad. A través de la parodia, promovemos y potenciamos elecciones saludables, priorizando herramientas para el procesamiento emocional. Confrontamos síntomas incómodos y abogamos por los vulnerables, fomentando la libertad de expresión, aceptación y diversidad. ¿Mi misión? Exponer disfunciones sistémicas, guiar el despertar y fomentar la conexión por sobre el anestesiarnos. Explora tu void con la píldora FTV. Despierta a un mundo diferente. #FeelDon'tFill
Feel The Void
Sacred Intimacy: Navigating Emotional Void with Sex Coach Olivia on 'Feel The Void'
Embark on a transformative journey with Roberta Rosa and Olivia, an accomplished Intuitive Sex Coach. Olivia shares her struggles with intimacy disconnect, leading her to become a sex coach. Exploring the widespread tendency to use sex as an escape from emotional turmoil, Olivia recounts her journey of coping through sexual means. Throughout the episode, she highlights the crucial role of self-awareness and intentional connections in fostering healthy sexual relationships. Olivia delves into the power of transitioning from a physical to a spiritual perspective on sex, revolutionizing the entire sexual experience. Providing actionable advice for individuals and couples, she addresses the intersection of sex, self-worth, and emotional voids. Listen in for insights on communicative techniques, the sacredness of the body, and the transformative principles of Tantra, all aimed at promoting more profound and meaningful sexual experiences.
Conectá con Roberta:
Consultas: roberta@feelthevoid.club