Feel The Void
¡Bienvenidos al podcast Feel The Void! Soy Roberta, Entrepreneur Multidisciplinaria, Coach de Salud Integrativa, y ex atleta profesional. Unite a nosotros mientras exploramos los hábitos de consumo de la sociedad. A través de la parodia, promovemos y potenciamos elecciones saludables, priorizando herramientas para el procesamiento emocional. Confrontamos síntomas incómodos y abogamos por los vulnerables, fomentando la libertad de expresión, aceptación y diversidad. ¿Mi misión? Exponer disfunciones sistémicas, guiar el despertar y fomentar la conexión por sobre el anestesiarnos. Explora tu void con la píldora FTV. Despierta a un mundo diferente. #FeelDon'tFill
Feel The Void
Empathic Healing: Navigating the Void with Trauma-Informed Insights
Join us on the 'Feel the Void' podcast as we dive deep into the world of emotions and healing with Michelle, a Trauma Informed Certified Coach. In this episode, we explore Michelle's career journey and the unique perspective she brings to her work. We discuss the fascinating traits of empaths and how they navigate the intricate landscape of emotions, offering valuable insights and guidance. Most importantly, we unravel the concept of 'the void' and its impact on individuals seeking emotional healing and growth. Tune in for a profound conversation that delves into the intricate world of emotions and the path to filling the void in our lives, all against the backdrop of a soothing Spotify playlist to enhance the experience.
Conectá con Roberta:
Consultas: roberta@feelthevoid.club